Vendor Support

Welcome to the NetVendor Vendor Support page, designed specifically to help vendors like you navigate our platform with ease. For additional guidance, please explore our FAQs and resources below.

If you still need assistance, please choose from one of the options below to contact our customer support team.


What can we help you with today?

Vendor Support Knowledge Base

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Frequently Asked Questions


How to Enroll:

If you are interested in becoming an approved vendor to offer your goods or services to one of our partners, please call us at 503-922-1111 ext. 2. Please provide the property management company or contractor that you are wanting to enroll with. With that information, we will be able to send you the corresponding enrollment link for that specific company.

What does the vendor enrollment consist of?

To become a vendor, complete our online enrollment process, which takes about 30 minutes. You’ll provide basic details like W9, company, insurance agent, and background screening information. The annual enrollment fee typically ranges from $49 to $149 per property management company or contractor, if applicable.

How long does approval take?

NetVendor's service and technology allow for almost all our documents to be reviewed within 24 hours after your agent submits them to us. If the certificate is submitted incorrectly, an email is sent back to your insurance agent explaining why the document needs to be revised. This is the main reason why documents do not get approved immediately.

Insurance, requirements and certification

Can I submit my insurance certificate directly to NetVendor?

NetVendor only accepts certificates from insurance agents and/or producers. This is done to ensure the validity of each document submitted.

What are the insurance requirements?

All requirements are set by the property management company’s or contractor’s corporate office. Contact us for a copy of the insurance requirements. Vendors are not required to change their insurance but must meet or exceed the limits to be approved and achieve “compliant” status before starting work.

Will I be notified when I become certified?

Yes, NetVendor will send you an email notifying you when you become compliant. Once a certificate is approved within the NetVendor system, the updated status will be reflected on the website immediately.


What is NetVendor?

NetVendor is a vendor credentialing service provider. We provide additional due diligence per vendor, such as verifying the individual/business through the IRS system, criminal background checks, insurance, business license checks, and more.

How will you benefit?

NetVendor provides an easy-to-use web tool for enrolling and checking your compliance status with Property Management Companies. It stores all your insurance documents in one place and boosts your visibility to companies using NetVendor, potentially leading to new contracts. Plus, NetVendor works directly with your insurance agent and communicates with your provider year-round.

Contact Support

If you need immediate assistance, please use the form to the right to contact our customer support team.

Other ways to get in touch with us: 

Phone: 503-922-1111 (option 2)
Support Hours: Mon – Fri: 5:00am – 5:00pm PST

How can we help you today?

Other ways to get in touch with us: 

Phone: 1-888-58-COMPLY (26675) / 503-922-1111 (option 2)
Support Hours: Mon – Fri: 5:00am – 5:00pm PST

Holiday Hours: Our offices will be closed on the following dates:
• November 28-29, 2024
• December 25, 2024

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